A new movie blog from yours truly
I have been busy on a number of real-world projects over the last couple of months, hence the decline in posts here. That should all change soon.
Now, however, I can reveal one of them: a return to my writing roots in film (a subject on which I first started writing back in 1997, and have continued doing so for various publications ever since - including authoring two books, on Tim Burton and The Lord of the Rings).
The blog is being produced for BBC Worldwide in association with the Radio Times, and can be found (for the next month or so, before it is transferred to a dedicated server) at pocketfilms.wordpress.com.
The blog is still in its trial period, so has not yet got all the functionality, features or scope of posts that I am hoping to introduce once final budgets have been agreed, but still - pop by, leave a few comments, and let me know what you reckon. The more genuine comments, the better the chance of me being able to expand it.
Ta-ta for now... Back with proper, regular political bloggage here soon, I hope.
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