- Tory leadership - members' voting preferences via the ever top-notch Polling Report:
"Cameron has a dominant position - asked which candidate they thought would be best at attracting new members, best for party unity, best at opposing Brown and Blair in the Commons, best on the television and radio, which candidate would offer the best chance of winning the election and which candidate would make the best Prime Minister if the Tories did win, David Cameron trounced the other candidates on every count, beating Fox and Davis by over 30% in every question"Jamie at Blood & Treasure, however, has yet to be convinced about the Tories' latest Great White Hope...
Debating on the Internet is horrific so im not going to bother, it makes a good soapbox but little else. However id like to know why you deviate so often from Europe as a topic, continually returning to domestic affairs?
Im 18, federalist to the bone, irish and single :P
(and the being single wasnt me hitting on you)
Short answer: because it's my blog and I'll do what I want with it.
Actually, come to think of it, there's really no longer answer, other than "because I'm British, and so British domestic politics is what I know best".
There is, however, a question - why is British domestic politics not European? As far as I'm concerned it is entirely, and as the fate to the Tory party affects the direction Britain will take, and the direction Britain will take will affect the direction Europe may take, it's worth paying attention to. Just as the German elections were (hence my covering them more than any other British blog I'm aware of), and just as will be the run-up to the Italian elections in the spring (and I intend to voer them too). But I'm far less qualified to talk about either of those in anywhere near as much detail as I am British politics. Hence.
Actually, that turned into rather a longer answer than I thought it would. Sorry.
But Eurotrash Politics looks SO dull ..or is hat cos we know nuffink about it?
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