- Gah - busy... To make up for it, have Mark Mardell's latest European Diary, complete with reader comments - somewhat amazingly with only one that's decidedly eurosceptic, the others berating Mardell for not being pro-EU enough...
Also catching the eye: Jamie K on the media and the Tories ("the actual bias of people in media London... is tribal rather than political. It reaches towards people who resemble it's members as closely as possible, or at least resembles their image of themselves. It reaches out to groom them, in the manner of chimpanzees picking nits off each other in a jungle clearing.") and North Sea Diaries on the problems of EU attitudes to aspiring members - a nice alternate to my earlier, more positive take.
NM, thanks very much for the Sharpener offer... am genuinely flattered.
However as I am engaged on a new book proposal, finishing a previous book, redrafting a screenplay (speculative, I might add), and trying to earn a crust at journalism, some of it travel, I'm prolly a bit busy at the mo to do a fine site justice. Especially as I haven't got time to do much of my own blogging right now, as you might have seen from the rather dusty and cobwebby state of the Toffeewomble.
But if the offer remains open, and my inbox clears, maybe in the future...?
Thanks again, and keep up the fine blogging!
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