Buy a pint for London's emergency services update
The beer fund is at a respectable level, and I've had a few ideas of how to distribute it. I've also just had a call from the BBC, and they have asked to film any booze-up that takes place, which should help sort out the legitimacy problems a bit.
My current plan is to try and get something organised for next weekend, but I still have a few problems to iron out. If anyone knows who I should speak to at the St John Ambulance service to get some of their people along, I'd be grateful for some pointers.
The easy option would simply be to donate this as a standard charity thing, but that's not the point of this fund - it's explicitly for a "thank you" pint or two for some of the people involved. I still need to know if this will create difficulties, as for the mainstream emergency services it can be tricky. Again - any advice gratefully received.
Thanks again to all who have donated - from the US, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands - all over. You're all top - and far more trusting than I'd be...
Update: Have just spoken to someone from the St John Ambulance lot, and they're up for it and on the case, starting to work out details. Should have a better idea next week sometime.
"The easy option would simply be to donate this as a standard charity thing, but that's not the point of this fund"
...exactly. It's very easy for us to donate to emergency service charities and the Red Cross fund regardless of where we live. It's much more difficult for us to buy a pint for these guys. Not a particulary profound or 'useful' gesture, perhaps, but certainly a good way to show what we think of them, yes?
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