No matter who you vote for, make sure you vote
A final public service announcement for any American readers which might bear repeating:
Find out where your polling place is by calling your county clerk or checking
Alternatively, call 1-866-MYVOTE1 to find your polling place.
Check the hours the polls are open with your city or county clerk.
Print the League of Women Voters' card in English or Spanish and put it in your wallet or purse. Despite the name of the organisation which produced it, it is not just for women, and provides a handy checklist of both your voting rights and what to do if challenged.
Bring a government-issued picture ID like a driver's license or passport when you vote. Some states require it but if there are problems, you will certainly need it. If you have a cell phone, take it to call for help if need be.
As you enter the polls, note if there is an Election Protection person outside the polling place.
If you are not listed as a registered voter, try to register on the spot. Some states allow that. Otherwise, talk to the Election Protection person if there is one or call 1-866-OUR-VOTE for instructions. If neither of these helps, ask for a provisional ballot, but you will need a picture ID to get one.
Finally, if you are certain you are eligable to vote, don't let anyone tell you you're not. If your status is disputed you can still cast a provisional ballot. It may also be worth asking for ID from anyone who challenges your vote, and taking down the details - turn their tactics back on them.
America - make us proud of you again. Please?
Update: More useful info (especially for Ohio voters) via The Daily Kos.
Oh, and this should be handy over the next 12 hours or so... (Cheers, Manic)
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